Supervision of PL-KUMKM KEMENKOP UKM, BAPPENAS, and BPS in Payakumbuh City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumatera Barat Province

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Supervision of PL-KUMKM KEMENKOP UKM, BAPPENAS, and BPS in Payakumbuh City

Supervision of PL-KUMKM KEMENKOP UKM, BAPPENAS, and BPS in Payakumbuh City

October 11, 2023 | Other Activities

KEMENKOP UKM, BAPPENAS and BPS RI supervised the City of Payakumbuh regarding the Complete Data Collection of Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises on October 11-13, 2023.

Assistant Deputy of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Director of Price Statistics of the Central Statistics Agency, staff of the National Development Planning Agency, Head of the Central Statistics Agency of West Sumatra Province, Head of BPS Payakumbuh City, and Head of the Payakumbuh City Cooperative Office, directly observed the data collection activities of KUMKM actors in Payakumbuh City. The KUMKM actors who were recorded were very cooperative in providing business-related information asked by field officers.

Supervision of Complete KUMKM Data Collection is carried out to evaluate field activities in order to obtain a quality database later.

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