Sumatera Barat's Economic Growth in 2024 was 4.36 Percent (c-to-c) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumatera Barat Province

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Sumatera Barat's Economic Growth in 2024 was 4.36 Percent (c-to-c)

Release Date : February 5, 2025
File Size : 0.892613 MB


  • Sumatera Barat's Economy in 2024 based on Regional Domestic Product Gross (GRDP) based on current prices reached IDR 332.94 trillion and GRDP per capita reached IDR 57.05 million or US$3,599.37.
  • Sumatera Barat's economy in 2024 will grow by 4.36 percent, more lower compared to the achievements in 2023 which experienced growth of 4.62 percent. In terms of production, the highest growth occurred in the field Government Administration, Defense and Mandatory Social Security efforts amounting to 8.86 percent. Meanwhile, in terms of expenditure, the highest growth was achieved by The Foreign Import Component is 26.47 percent, but keep in mind that This component is a reduction in GRDP.
  • Sumatera Barat's economy quarter IV-2024 versus quarter IV-2023 experienced growth of 4.04 percent (y-on-y). From the production side, Government Administration, Defense and Social Security Business Fields Mandatory experienced the highest growth of 10.29 percent. Meanwhile from on the expenditure side, the Foreign Import Component experienced the highest growth amounting to 21.06 percent.
  • Sumatera Barat's economy quarter IV-2024 compared to the previous quarter experienced growth of 2.03 percent (q-to-q). From the production side, Field Government Administration, Defense and Mandatory Social Security Efforts experienced the highest growth of 8.07 percent. From the expenditure side, The Government Consumption Expenditure (PK-P) component experienced growth the highest was 27.46 percent.
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