Household Iodine Salt Consumption of 1995 Sumatera Barat, National Iodized Salt Survey Results 1995 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumatera Barat Province

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Household Iodine Salt Consumption of 1995 Sumatera Barat, National Iodized Salt Survey Results 1995

Catalog Number : 3201026.13
Publication Number : 13540.9618
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : March 13, 1996
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 0.73 MB


The Household Iodized Salt Survey whose implementation is integrated with the National Socio-Economic Survey provides an overview of the iodized salt consumed by households. Information was collected through interviews, observation and direct examination of households by enumerators. The data presented include knowledge about the presence of iodized salt, the form of salt, containers and storage methods, types of packaging and the content of iodine in salt consumed by households.
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