Welfare Statistics Sumatera Barat Province 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumatera Barat Province

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Welfare Statistics Sumatera Barat Province 2015

Catalog Number : 4101002.13
Publication Number : 13520.1604
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-1196-86-1
Release Date : May 31, 2016
File Size :  MB


The National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) is designed to provide socio-economic data including education, health, housing, crime, domestic travel, and social protection. Starting in 2015, the Susenas data collection held twice a Years i.e. March and September. The publication of the 2015 Welfare Statistics Sumatera Barat Province contains a tabular results of the data collected through the 2015 Susenas core questionnaire (VSEN2015.K) which coverage the entire regions of Indonesia. The core data presented in this publication expressed in terms of percentages of population which are disaggregated by district/municipality and urban-rural classifications so that the users could compare people¬žs welfare among regions. Several tables in the overview of the results are also disaggregated by sex to fulfill the needs of analysis on gender gaps.
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