Horticultural Plant Production of Sumatera Barat Province 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumatera Barat Province

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Horticultural Plant Production of Sumatera Barat Province 2018

Catalog Number : 5204003.13
Publication Number : 13530.1903
Release Date : September 27, 2019
File Size : 11.99 MB


Horticultural Crop Production in Sumatera Barat Province 2018 is a publication compiled by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Sumatera BaratProvince. The publication of this publication is a continuation of the previous year. The data presented in this publication comes from the results of the processing of the Horticultural Agriculture Survey (SPH) conducted at BPS Sumatera Barat Province for the horticultural agriculture sub-sector in 2018 from each Regency / Municipality in Sumatera Barat. The data presented covers the area of ​​harvest, production and productivity of horticultural crops in West Sumatra. As a comparison, 2017 data is also displayed.

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