Statistics of Wholesale Trade Prices of Sumatera Barat Province 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumatera Barat Province

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Statistics of Wholesale Trade Prices of Sumatera Barat Province 2023

Catalog Number : 7103003.13
Publication Number : 13000.24049
ISSN/ISBN : 2656-9566
Release Date : August 30, 2024
File Size : 4.01 MB


The Statistics of Wholesale Trade Prices of Sumatera Barat Province is a publication that displays the average prices of commodities during 2023. Commodity price data presented each month is grouped into three sectors, namely the agricultural sector, the mining and excavation sector, and the industrial sector. Data collection is carried out by visiting and interviewing wholesale businesses/companies directly. Wholesale prices are one of the economic indicators to determine price developments between times at the wholesaler level. This information is used as a basis for development planning and determining policies in the field of prices.
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