Analysis of Data Needs Survey for BPS-Statistics of Sumatera Barat Province 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumatera Barat Province

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Analysis of Data Needs Survey for BPS-Statistics of Sumatera Barat Province 2022

Catalog Number : 1399013.13
Publication Number : 13000.2261
Release Date : December 9, 2022
File Size : 12.3 MB


Republic of Indonesia Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services stipulates that every public service provider is obliged to carry out an evaluation of the performance of public service implementers. One form of this evaluation is realized through the implementation of a Community Satisfaction Survey (SKM) as stipulated in PermenpanRB Number 14 of 2017. BPS has conducted SKM routinely every year which is integrated into the Data Needs Survey (SKD). Apart from aiming at obtaining the level of consumer satisfaction with BPS data services, this survey also aims to identify data needs and the level of consumer satisfaction with the quality of data produced by BPS. One of the results from the SKD 2022 implementation is presented in a publication entitled "Analysis of the Results of the 2022 BPS Data Needs Survey for Sumatera Barat Province" as a form of report on the implementation of SKD at BPS-Statistics of Sumatera Barat Province. This publication provides a descriptive explanation of service unit performance, anti-corruption behavior, data requirements, and consumer satisfaction with BPS data quality. The Consumer Satisfaction Index (IKK) and the Anti-Corruption Perception Index (IPAK) are the main indicators presented in this publication.
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